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Drawing Ideas

Drawing Ideas When Sad (75+ Very Easy Sad Drawing Ideas For Beginners in 2024)

Emotions play a great role in the creation of art. Joy, sadness, admiration, amazement, everything that moves us is of great value. This is the reason why the creative activities, which result in the birth of a piece of art, are unlike any other activity. And that is why man is the only animal that engages in creating art. One can say that this is a privilege for men. Sad drawing ideas can help many people to express a side of how they may feel.

Why draw when you’re sad?

The masterpiece created with the help of a strong emotion, makes us feel something. This form of expression of a feeling is bidirectional. And when we talk about a sad drawings, we meanly focus on this strong emotion, which we can feel when we engage in the creation of a sad drawing or painting and at the same time, it is the emotion that the one who sees the drawing will feel himself.

This two-way street is what makes a sad drawing a true masterpiece. When you are drawing, think about what you want to convey. And if you are drawing for yourself and not to show your art, think about what you want to express. Sometimes drawing something sad can help you overcome that feeling. If this is your case, I salute you for this decision. You have to feel that emotion in order to get over it. And expressing it in drawing can be very therapeutic.

Sad drawing ideas and where to find them

To make it easier for you to find the top best sad drawing ideas in 2024. I compiled this list of 75+ Sad Drawing IdeasVery easy to get you inspired to draw for 2024.

Below, you will find the best examples of sad drawings that you can try to copy, trace, or simply be inspired to create your own drawing.


Here are the top best sad drawing ideas in 2024:

1. Very easy drawing of a sad girl on a hill staring at the moon

drawing of a sad girl on a hill staring at the moon


2. Beautiful drawing of a sad eye

drawing of a sad eye


3. Very sad and meaningful drawing of a girl holding a mask crying

drawing of a girl holding a mask crying


4. Simple drawing of a woman in tears

Simple drawing of a comic woman in tears


5. Sad drawing idea of a girl closing her eyes

drawing of a girl closing her eyes


6. Cute sad drawing idea

someone under a cloud


7. Sad Simpson drawing

Sad Simpson drawing


8. Screaming your lungs out – sad manga drawing

a sad manga girl creaming her lungs out


9. Tear drawing – A simple sad drawing for beginners

A drawing of a tear


10. Sad manga drawing: A depressed, sad, and lonely girl screaming

A depressed, sad, and lonely girl screaming 


11. Two cartoony eyes in tears

Two cartoony eyes in tears


12. Sad ink drawing of a girl thinking

Sad ink drawing of a girl thinking


13. Touching heart-melting sad drawing

Touching heart-melting sad drawing


14. A sad depressed girl smoking

A sad depressed girl smoking


15. Original split drawing: Showing the same girl happy and sad

Original split drawing: Showing the same girl happy and sad


16. Sad doll drawing: Very easy to draw and copy

Sad doll drawing

17. Manga girl crying

Manga girl crying


18. Drawing of two masks: one happy the other one sad – Simple easy sad doodle idea to re-draw in your journal

drawing of two masks : one happy one sad

19. A cute manga girl crying with her head up


20. Sad simple anime drawing

manga anime girl crying


21. An amazing touching eye artwork

An amazing touching eye artwork


22. Original drawing idea when sad and stressed out

drawing of a man sad and stressed out


23. Sad angel drawing

Sad angel drawing

24. Sad butterfly girl drawing idea

butterfly girl drawing crying

25. Original drawing of a girl holding someone disappearing

Original drawing of a girl holding someone disappearing


26. “Only you can understand yourself” – Sad interpretation drawing

drawing of a girl crying and her shadow is calming her


27. Manga anime girl lonely

Manga anime girl lonely


28. Drawing of a lonely girl sitting alone – sad drawing idea



29. Sad touching sketch

sad touching sketch


30. Heart-melting sad drawing of a close up face

Heart-melting sad drawing of a close up face



31. Girl crying roses – Esthetic drawing

an esthetic drawing of a girl crying roses


32. Heartbroken idea drawing

drawing of a heart in glass that broke, water coming out : with the words it hurts next to it


33. Girl with roses – An original digital drawing

a digital drawing of a girl with white hair and roses coming out of her arm


34. Heartbroken anime drawing crying and holding his heart

Heartbroken anime drawing crying and holding his heart


35. A sketch of a girl with headphones

A sketch of a girl with headphones


36. Girl holding an umbrella – A representation of loneliness and sadness

Girl holding an umbrella


37. Drawing of a girl crying still in shock

Drawing of a girl crying still in shock


38. A simple cartoony girl thinking and feeling bad

A simple cartoony girl thinking and feeling bad

39. A sad girl fighting for years to overcome her sadness

a drawnig of a sad girl fighting for years to overcome her sadness


40. A drawing to improve on how to draw a teary eye

A drawing of a teary eye


41. A simpler and more cartoonish drawing of an eye crying

A simpler and more cartoonish drawing of an eye crying



42. A beautiful woman’s sketch thinking sadly

A beautiful woman's sketch thinking sadly


43. An easy drawing idea when sad and lonely for beginners

a drawing of someone sad looking at the moon in the shadows


44. Easy manga girl anime crying slowly

a manga anime girl crying


45. Easy drawing portrait of a sad girl – a simple idea

drawing portrait of a sad girl


46. Easy sketch for beginners who wants to draw a sad girl

sketch of a sad girl


47. An easy sad comic woman drawing idea

An easy sad comic woman crying



48. Easy anime boy crying alone


49. A hand holding a rose bleeding

A hand holding a rose bleeding


50. Drawing of a girl holding a pillow and crying

Drawing of a girl holding a pillow and crying


51. A drawing of a depressed girl – manga-inspired


A drawing of a depressed manga girl


52. Very beautiful touching sad drawing of 3 eyes progressions with colored pencils

Very beautiful touching sad drawing of 3 eyes progressions with colored pencils


52. Cute and simple drawing: I’m fine


53. Depressed drawing very easy to follow for beginners – A representation of how you feel

A drawing representing someone how he feels


54. A sad and cute drawing of Stitch

A sad and cute drawing of Stitch


55. A simple idea drawing when sad

a sad girl holding a mask that is smiling


56. A cute drawing of a sad girl thinking that is simple to replicate

A cute drawing of a sad girl thinking


57. A cute drawing of a little girl crying

A cute drawing of a little girl crying


58. A very simple and cute drawing of a sad dog

cute drawing of a sad dog


59. Anime and manga drawing easy to replicate when you’re feeling down

manga anime girl crying


60. Creative drawing to inspire you

a drawing representing sadness and someone broken


61. Another creative drawing of a man drowning in his sadness

drawing of a man drowning in his sadness



62. A cool and original sketchbook drawing of a girl drowning in her own tears

A cool and original sketchbook drawing of a girl drowning in her own tears


63. A sad girl listening to some music

A sad girl listening to some music


64. A very simple sketch that any beginner can draw

a simple sketch of a girl looking through her window


65. Broken hearted girl crying while hiding her face inside her hands

Broken hearted girl crying while hiding her face inside her hands


66. Billie Eilish drawing idea – Almost sad

a drawing of billie Eilish


67. Another Billie Eilish drawing idea crying black tears

a billie Eilish drawing


68. Being sad…

manga girl looking down



69. Anime drawing crying – sad art

anime girl devastated and crying


70. Anime boy drawing idea screaming in dispair

Anime boy drawing screaming in dispair


71. Angel drawing

Angel drawing


72. I force you to smile – drawing idea

digital drawing of an anime girl with hands forcing her to smile


73. A very touching drawing of a little boy walking in the rain

A very touching drawing of a little boy walking in the rain


74. A more challenging and advanced drawing idea of a girl crying

 advanced drawing a girl crying


75. A weird and sad artwork of a woman

A weird and sad artwork of a woman


76. A very simple drawing of a blue whale who is feeling blue

 drawing of a blue whale who is feeling blue




What should I draw when I am sad?

1. You can draw a self portrait of yourself.
2. Imagine and create a drawing depicting what’s going on in your life.
3. Draw something(s) that you’re afraid or terrified of.
4. Sketch images of things that bring you joy.
5. Draw the people or creatures who are dear to your heart.

Why do I draw better when I’m sad?
What is it about being in a gloomy mood that makes us great artists? The response brings our attention back to the intrinsic connection that exists between intellect and emotion. It seems that being in a melancholy state makes us more attentive and detail oriented, which allows us to concentrate more intently on the felt collage.

Are creative people sadder?
Are persons who are more creative also more prone to depression?
Studies of artists and writers that were compiled in Scientific American reveal that artists and writers are up to 20 times more likely to suffer from bipolar disorder (also known as a manic depressive disease) and are 10 times more likely to suffer from depression than the general population.

Do artists have to be sad?
The ideal feeling for creativity is one that succeeds in attracting the attention of others to the work being created. However, the experience of that emotion is not usually a solitary one. According to the findings of several studies, the source of creative thought is not so much positive or negative states of mind as it is a range of contrasting feelings.

Why do we enjoy sad art?
Even though the tragic events and feelings of misery that occur in our actual lives are not pleasant in any way, many of us consciously seek out art that confronts us with such feelings, and we find that we actually enjoy the melancholy that it induces in us as a result of doing so.


In conclusion

These best sad drawing ideas for 2024 helps you overcome your art blocks and give you drawing ideas to express your feelings. An artist or even a beginner at drawing may feel down from time to time, so a sad drawing can help them put their emotions on paper and feel better about themselves. Not only that but they will also be satisfied that they have succeeded in sketching a beautiful drawing, even if it represents sadness.

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